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二,剪掉需剪的長度- 褲腳邊

② 請專家解答一下,服裝店用的專業砸牛仔褲的線,要用幾股!

砸褲腳的線要和褲子本身外面的明線顏色要一致。這樣看起來才比較協調。尼龍線是高強線。褲子上面用的是什麼線砸褲腳就用什麼線。 一般牛仔褲的外面明線都是用的607型號的線。壓一圈線就可以了。

③ 為什麼藍牛仔褲常用橙色線縫

你注意過沒?很多藍色的牛仔褲都是用橙色的線縫制的。這個傳統背後還有一個小故事,我們一起來了解一下吧。 Levi Strauss, however, neither envisioned this particular use for copper riveting, which the orange thread complemented, nor the unique stitching on the rear pockets of the jeans. Jacob Davis, a Russian immigrant, and a tailor, who plied his trade in Reno, Nevada, formulated the idea for the riveted seam, an idea that would vastly extend the life of the jeans, and would revolutionize the garment instry. Alas, e to financial constraints, Jacob could neither afford to obtain a patent for his invention, nor to proce the new garment. Out of necessity, Jacob approached the wholesaler he purchased his denim from with a proposal that he sell him the West Coast rights to the riveted blue jeans, in exchange for the required to obtain a patent for them. The wholesaler whom accepted Jacob's proposition was none other than Levi Strauss. Levi gave Jacob a position with his Company in 1873 and, ring his tenure, Jacob ensured that the orange thread be used in all stitching on the jeans, and that the curved, formally named "arcuate," stitches adorn the rear pockets of the jeans. Initially the fancy, unique stitching on the rear pockets of the jeans served a purpose. The rear pockets of the first Levis the Company proced were lined with cotton, and the orange stitching prevented the padding from buckling. The Company dropped the cotton lining early on, but the stitching remained, and was registered as a trademark in 1942. Only once did it appear as if the orange stitching on the rear pockets would become a thing of the past. The material shortage ring World War II prompted Levi to contribute to the war effort by temporarily ceasing proction of jeans with the trademark stitching on the rear pockets, as this was considered frivolous and wasteful. To avoid a break in continuity of the Levi tradition, the Company had the design hand painted on the rear pockets of each pair of jeans proced. To this day, the copper rivets, matching orange thread, and ornate stitching on the rear pockets still adorn all Levis proced. The legend of Levi Strauss lives on, while Jacob Davis has been lost in the annals of history. copper rivets: 銅鉚釘stitching: 縫紉riveted seam: 鉚縫revolutionize: 使徹底變革garment instry: 服裝工業denim: 粗斜紋棉布none other than:不是別的,正是……cotton lining: 棉襯里(來源:coolquiz.com 英語點津 Annabel 編輯)點擊察看更多趣味網路知識

④ 牛仔褲各部位用線啊

牛子褲明線一般用606或者是608 的線,打結同明線一樣,底線用604的線,803的線是2股單股紗,604是2股雙股紗,606是3股雙股紗,608是4股雙股紗。

⑤ ★牛仔褲邊是什麼顏色的線才顯得不老


⑥ 牛仔褲邊適合什麼線!


⑦ 牛仔褲用的最多的線是什麼色


⑧ 牛仔褲褲腳有一條黑邊,請問這條黑邊是什麼學名怎麼叫呢求大神解答。


⑨ 做牛仔褲為什麼都用黃色顏色的線縫制

A. 首先用燃燒法鑒別出天然纖維和化學纖維。
B. 如果是天然纖維,則用顯微鏡觀察法鑒別各類植物纖維和動物纖維。如果是化學纖維,則結合纖維的熔點、比重、折射率、溶解性能等方面的差異逐一區別出來。
C. 在鑒別混合纖維和混紡紗時,一般可用顯微鏡觀察確認其中含有幾種纖維,然後再用適當方法逐一鑒別。
D. 對於經過染色或整理的纖維,一般先要進行染色剝離或其它適當的預處理,才可能保證鑒別結果可靠。
滌綸:Polyester 強力好,抗皺好,價格低,起靜電,刺激皮膚。
氨綸:Spandex 比較復雜,成分含量不同辨別差異特徵較細微。
錦綸:Polyamide 強力好,手感比滌綸好,價格比高,內衣面料絕大多數是錦綸的。
棉 :Cotton C 手感柔軟,天然纖維、吸濕好,穿著舒適。

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